[xmonad] smartBorders and fullscreen Firefox

Kilian Evang maschinenraum at texttheater.net
Sat May 3 09:36:08 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I'm using Ubuntu 12.04's "Gnome with Xmonad" session, currently with the
following config:


As you can see, I have it set up so that fullscreen windows cover the
whole screen, including the Gnome panels

For Firefox, this required some extra work because apparently
isFullscreen doesn't trigger when Firefox goes fullscreen. Luckily,
there is XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen.fullscreenEventHook and
XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen.fullscreenFull to handle this.

What still doesn't work is for XMonad.Layout.NoBorders to notice when
Firefox goes fullscreen. Although I'm using smartBorders, a border
around the fullscreen Firefox window is still drawn as long as there is
another window on the same workspace.

Can I tweak my config so that this border goes away?

Also, should the NoBorders module be improved to handle this situation?


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