[xmonad] xmonad hides xfce4-panel

Brandon Allbery allbery.b at gmail.com
Mon Jun 23 15:48:24 UTC 2014

On Sun, Jun 15, 2014 at 2:20 AM, Damian Philipp <damian.philipp at gmx.net>

> When I start xfce using xfwm4 and then run "xmonad --replace" from a
> terminal, I practically arrive at my dream desktop. However, when I
> configure xfce to autostart xmonad, I can briefly see the xfce4 panel
> flash up and then immediately disappear. xmonad just leaves an empty
> space where the panel is supposed to be. mod-b toggles the empty space
> but does not show the panel. The default configuraiton of Lubuntu is to
> have a single panel at the top of the screen.

Are you running anything else that isn't part of a standard XFCE4 session?

This *may* relate to a recently fixed bug (not in a released version yet,
you need to build from darcs) where we were not registering the work area
and therefore desktops (Thunar in your case) will use space allocated to
panels; which one "wins" and is displayed depends on the start order, which
in your case means Thunar is displaying on top of xfce4-panel. If you start
with xfwm4 and then replace wiith xmonad, Thunar will use xfwm4's
_NET_WORKAREA; your version of xmonad won't set _NET_WORKAREA and either
xfwm4 doesn't remove its when it exits (arguably this is a bug in xfwm4) or
Thunar doesn't detect it doing so (bug in Thunar in this case), so things
continue to work "by accident".

xmonad from darcs has code to set _NET_WORKAREA. I'm not convinced that it
is working 100% correctly, but this problem at least is not happening in my
xfce4+xmonad configs.

brandon s allbery kf8nh                               sine nomine associates
allbery.b at gmail.com                                  ballbery at sinenomine.net
unix, openafs, kerberos, infrastructure, xmonad        http://sinenomine.net
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