[xmonad] [xmonad-contrib] XMonad.Prompt.Pass patch

ardumont eniotna.t at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 09:58:46 UTC 2014


So I updated the code according to our last exchange.

Enclosed in this email, you will find the amended patch.
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The documentation has been updated as well:

#+begin_src doc
This module provides 3 XMonad.Prompt to ease passwords manipulation (generate, read, remove):

    one to lookup passwords in the password-storage.
    one to generate a password for a given password label that the user inputs.
    one to delete a stored password for a given password label that the user inputs.

All those prompts benefit from the completion system provided by the module XMonad.Prompt.

The password store is setuped through an environment variable PASSWORD_STORE_DIR. If this is set, use the content of the variable. Otherwise, the password store is located on user's home $HOME/.password-store.


    The password storage implementation is the password-store cli.
    Inspired from http://babushk.in/posts/combining-xmonad-and-pass.html


An insight about I tested this, I modified my xmonad.hs and reloaded xmonad:
- without the environment variable. Pass does look into the
`~/.password-store`. I have completion proposed on the prompt (my
password store is stored there)
- with the environment variable (in xmonad's main function, I added an
ugly `System.Posix.setEnv "PASSWORD_STORE_DIR" "/home/tony" True`. I
have no completion on the prompt because there is nothing there.


Daniel Schoepe writes:

> Hi,
> On Tue, 22.07.2014 17:36 +0200, ardumont wrote:
>> I propose to improve the existing code with the first implementation suggestion as
>> a first step.
>> And then, if it is approved and merged, see what users say about it.
>> What do you think?
> sounds good to me.
> Best regards,
> Daniel


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