[xmonad] Chromium floating required

Zev Weiss zev at bewilderbeest.net
Tue Jul 1 19:38:45 UTC 2014

On Jul 1, 2014, at 9:44 AM, Brandon Allbery <allbery.b at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 10:08 AM, Carsten Mattner <carstenmattner at gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried current Chromium and Chrome to test some websites and found out that
> the new version requires for Chromium to be floating or else there's
> glitches and corrupted drawing.
> Anyone else seen this?
> I'm not seeing this in the most recent Chrome on Fedora 19, but it's running in a VM. Are you using an NVidia driver in xorg, by any chance?

I saw similar misbehavior from Chromium on Debian Jessie on some recent releases -- I didn't think to associate it with xmonad though, and haven't tried floating its windows to see if it goes away.  Frankly I just figured it was Chromium breakage and got so fed up with it (and various other bits of Chromium stupidity) that I've started mostly just using Firefox instead.  (And no, no NVidia stuff on my system, just Haswell integrated graphics via i915.ko.)

But of course now I can't reproduce it, so it may be that some minor Chromium update in the interim (now on 35.0.1916.153-2) has fixed it, or at least made it less egregious.

Zev Weiss

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