[xmonad] New module for xmonad-contrib: SpawnNamedPipe

Christian Wills cwills.dev at gmail.com
Sun Feb 2 21:42:17 UTC 2014

Hello Xmonad devs,

Attached is a simple module that allows you to spawn a pipe and store it in
the xmonad state as a String, Handle pair so that it can be accessed from a
different hook from where the pipe was initially created.

The initial motivation for this was I wanted to be able to spawn dzen from
inside the startupHook and write to the pipe from inside the logHook. I
didn't like being forced to start the dzen pipe up in a global namespace so
that I could access it from the logHook. This example is detailed in the
Haddocks but there are many other use cases.


Chris Wills
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