[xmonad] Issue 582 in xmonad: Add <XF86AudioMicMute> to EZConfig multimediaKeys
codesite-noreply at google.com
codesite-noreply at google.com
Mon Dec 22 05:14:43 UTC 2014
Status: Fixed
Cc: byor... at gmail.com
Comment #1 on issue 582 by vogt.a... at gmail.com: Add <XF86AudioMicMute> to
EZConfig multimediaKeys
I've pushed a patch adding XF86AudioMicMute to EZConfig
byorgey: I'm wondering why we actually list so many keys because most of
the strings listed are acceptable to stringToKeysym:
> length keyNames
> filter (\(s,v) -> stringToKeysym s /= v) keyNames
So it would be possible to just use stringToKeysym, instead of having so
many elements in keyNames?
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