[xmonad] darcs patch: Layout.Spacing: Outer window edges now get as much spa...

adam vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 02:52:49 UTC 2014

Hi Felix,

I've pushed your patch. But here's an idea:

In my config I have a:

data ExpandEdges a = ExpandEdges Int deriving (Read,Show)

instance LayoutModifier ExpandEdges Window where
    modifyLayout (ExpandEdges n) ws (Rectangle x y w h) = let
            bigRect = Rectangle (x - fromIntegral n) (y - fromIntegral n)
                                (w + 2*fromIntegral n) (h + 2*fromIntegral n)
        runLayout ws bigRect

-- | push edges off-screen, or towards the center of the screen for
negative numbers.
expandEdges ::  Int -> l a -> ModifiedLayout ExpandEdges l a
expandEdges n layout = ModifiedLayout (ExpandEdges n) layout

So we could define:

spacingWithEdge n = expandEdges (-n) . spacing n

This implementation is worse because the description is probably too
long. But it does suggest that we're missing the combination that
leaves no gaps at the screen edge:

spacingOnlyBetweenWindows n = expandEdges n . spacing n

Then again there's not too much point in defining extra things in
contrib that nobody actually uses.


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