[xmonad] darcs patch: Add Stoppable layout for power saving

Paul Fertser fercerpav at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 15:22:33 UTC 2014


On Fri, Aug 29, 2014 at 06:41:14PM -0700, Anton Vorontsov wrote:
> +signalLocalWindow :: Signal -> Window -> X ()
> +signalLocalWindow s w  = do
> +    host <- io $ getEnvDefault "HOSTNAME" ""
> +    hasProperty (Machine host) w >>= flip when (signalWindow s w)

HOSTNAME is a bash-specific variable and it's not exported by default,
so neither XMonad nor ghci sees it (even though I actually use bash on
this machine):

Prelude System.Posix.Env> getEnv "HOSTNAME" 

As the result, this version doesn't work as expected.

I've noticed another unpleasant side-effect of this: urxvtd is a
single process that can have many windows (each spawned with
urxvtc). So if the stoppable workspace has a urxvtd window, all the
other terminal windows get frozen too. Should an optional filtering
facility be added?

On an unrelated note, where do you get opportunities to apply your
Haskell skills?

Be free, use free (http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html) software!
mailto:fercerpav at gmail.com

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