[xmonad] XMonad.Prompt.Pass patch

ardumont eniotna.t at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 08:44:14 UTC 2014

Daniel Schoepe writes:

> Hi,
> the intention for xmonad-extras was to house modules requiring
> additional Haskell libraries as dependencies to prevent pulling in a lot
> of other stuff just for compiling xmonad and xmonad-contrib. This is not
> a problem here, the module just won't do anything.


> The same point can be made about all the modules to support dzen-based
> status bars, (like Util.Dzen), for which dzen is needed for the modules
> to be useful. In my view, it's up to the user to ensure these binaries
> are present when they want to use what is clearly a module that's
> supposed to integrate pass/dzen/whatever with xmonad.
> Therefore I think that this module can go into contrib.

Ok, good.

Daniel, I did not see anything about xmonad-extras in the xmonad site,
it would be good to add a small page about it, don't you think?

In any case, thanks for the information sharing.

> Cheers,
> Daniel
> On Fri, 29 Aug 2014 21:31 +0200, ardumont wrote:
>> Peter Jones writes:
>>> ardumont <eniotna.t at gmail.com> writes:
>>>> In any case, how is it apparent for you that this is not standard?
>>> It's not a default package on any distro that I'm aware of.
>> ?
>> Like I said, from pass's documentation (I just added the links):
>> - Ubuntu - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/password-store
>> - Debian - https://packages.debian.org/source/sid/password-store
>> - Gentoo - http://packages.gentoo.org/?search=pass&bgresponse=
>> - Arch - https://www.archlinux.org/packages/community/any/pass/
>> - NixOS - https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/blob/master/pkgs/tools/security/pass/default.nix#L17
>> - FreeBSD - http://svnweb.freebsd.org/ports/head/sysutils/password-store/
>> - ...
>> This is all `default` (it's in the main repository distribution) so I do not understand.
>> Also, I believe those distributions are the main linux families (every
>> other in a way or another deriving from one of those).
>> So I must misunderstand the term `default` package, can you explicit it
>> for me?
>>> Since your contribution depends on a non-standard package
>> Can you please, clarify the term non-standard package?
>>> I think it would fit in better with xmonad-extras:
>>>   https://hackage.haskell.org/package/xmonad-extra
>> I was not aware of this (I must have missed it on the main site).
>> From the definition `Various modules for xmonad that cannot be added to
>> xmonad-contrib because of additional dependencies.`
>> pass is indeed an additional dependencies so it seems completely reasonable.
>> Thanks.
>> Cheers,
>> --
>> @ardumont
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