[xmonad] [xmonad-contrib] XMonad.Prompt.Pass patch

ardumont eniotna.t at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 08:41:42 UTC 2014

Daniel Schoepe writes:

> Hi,
> On Fri, 29 Aug 2014 17:55 +0200, Zev Weiss wrote:
>> The biggest (or at least most immediately obvious) problem is that
>> keeping separate files/directories for each password (which I guess it
>> doesn't strictly require, but is clearly geared toward) is a *massive*
>> and completely unnecessary information leak.
> I agree, this does leak information, namely the names given to the
> passwords, as well as their length, if the files contain just the
> passwords and nothing else. I raised the point about the length on the
> pass mailing list, but I didn't propose a patch either
> (http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.encryption.pass/766).
> However, I think that people who use pass are aware of these limitations
> and based on their assumptions and usage of the tool, they might be okay
> with them (this includes me).

I am.

> In favour of pass I have to say that I find reusing a well-audited tool like
> gpg to handle the encryption a lot nicer than rolling your own file
> format, thereby risking to use encryption primitives incorrectly,
> etc.. Moreover, the issues in pass can be fixed without changing it's
> interface, which I prefer to GUI-based password managers.


> More importantly however, I don't think that it's the job of the window
> manager libraries to tell the user what applications they should or
> shouldn't use.

Thank you. I believe so too.

> I think that there are more people besides me and
> ardumont who use pass, so I believe that this module is useful to people
> (I use something very similar to ardumont's Prompt module, based on
> dmenu). That is reason enough for me to argue for its inclusion.


>> If an alternate backend that didn't have these problems could be used
>> to provide this xmonad interface instead I'd be all for it -- but as
>> is I'm opposed to it if only on the grounds of it serving to encourage
>> further adoption of 'pass', which I simply think is a bad idea.
> I think one big part of the "idea" behind pass is that it's a
> command-line password manager as opposed to a GUI application.


> Reusing
> existing tools like gpg to handle encryption is also a good
> idea. Basically all the issues that I can see that make its current
> implementation problematic could be solved by encrypting a tar file with
> the password files instead of the password files themselves.
> However, given that there is some controversy about this now, I would be
> happy about other people's opinions on whether or not this should be
> included.

This seems reasonable.

> Cheers,
> Daniel

Thanks Daniel for such clear, complete, concise answers.
I am completely aligned with your points.


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