[xmonad] Issue 565 in xmonad: xmonad-contrib--0.11.2 does not compile on GHC 7.8 rc2

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Mon Apr 7 17:39:03 UTC 2014

Status: New
Owner: ----

New issue 565 by StevensE... at gmail.com: xmonad-contrib--0.11.2 does not  
compile on GHC 7.8 rc2

What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. Install GHC 7.8-rc2
2. cabal install --with-compiler=ghc- xmonad-contrib

What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

I expect to see a successful compile. Instead I see:

Downloading xmonad-contrib-0.11.2...
Configuring xmonad-contrib-0.11.2...
Building xmonad-contrib-0.11.2...
Preprocessing library xmonad-contrib-0.11.2...
[  1 of 226] Compiling XMonad.Util.StringProp ( XMonad/Util/StringProp.hs,  
dist/build/XMonad/Util/StringProp.o )
[  2 of 226] Compiling XMonad.Util.Replace ( XMonad/Util/Replace.hs,  
dist/build/XMonad/Util/Replace.o )
[  3 of 226] Compiling XMonad.Util.CustomKeys ( XMonad/Util/CustomKeys.hs,  
dist/build/XMonad/Util/CustomKeys.o )
[  4 of 226] Compiling XMonad.Layout.ThreeColumns (  
XMonad/Layout/ThreeColumns.hs, dist/build/XMonad/Layout/ThreeColumns.o )
[  5 of 226] Compiling XMonad.Layout.StackTile (  
XMonad/Layout/StackTile.hs, dist/build/XMonad/Layout/StackTile.o )
[  6 of 226] Compiling XMonad.Layout.Spiral ( XMonad/Layout/Spiral.hs,  
dist/build/XMonad/Layout/Spiral.o )
[  7 of 226] Compiling XMonad.Layout.Roledex ( XMonad/Layout/Roledex.hs,  
dist/build/XMonad/Layout/Roledex.o )
[  8 of 226] Compiling XMonad.Layout.ResizableTile (  
XMonad/Layout/ResizableTile.hs, dist/build/XMonad/Layout/ResizableTile.o )
[  9 of 226] Compiling XMonad.Layout.OneBig ( XMonad/Layout/OneBig.hs,  
dist/build/XMonad/Layout/OneBig.o )
[ 10 of 226] Compiling XMonad.Layout.MultiToggle (  
XMonad/Layout/MultiToggle.hs, dist/build/XMonad/Layout/MultiToggle.o )

     Could not deduce (HList b w0)
       arising from the ambiguity check for '??'
     from the context (HList b w)
       bound by the type signature for
                  (??) :: HList b w => a -> b -> HCons a b
       at XMonad/Layout/MultiToggle.hs:162:9-42
     The type variable 'w0' is ambiguous
     In the ambiguity check for:
       forall a b w. HList b w => a -> b -> HCons a b
     To defer the ambiguity check to use sites, enable AllowAmbiguousTypes
     In the type signature for '??':
       (??) :: HList b w => a -> b -> HCons a b
cabal: Error: some packages failed to install:
xmonad-contrib-0.11.2 failed during the building phase. The exception was:
ExitFailure 1

What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?


Please provide any additional information below.

There are two things that need to be done. Write down the incompatibility  
in the .cabal file for xmonad-contrib and fix this in a later version.

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