[xmonad] XMonad.Layout.ShowWName patch

Gwern Branwen gwern at gwern.net
Sat May 18 23:26:29 CEST 2013

On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 12:46 PM, FA - ML <fa-ml at ariis.it> wrote:
>     I use xmonad on a 512MB laptop. I noticed that using |showWName| (from
> XMonad.Layout.ShowWName) in my layoutHook slowed down Xmonad when switching
> between workspaces.
> I logged into #xmonad and enquired about it. Let me quote user geekosaur, who
> correctly diagnosed the problem:
>     geekosaur "The XSync function flushes the output buffer and then waits
>               until all requests have been received and processed by the X
>               server." that's gonna hurt...
>     geekosaur looks like a case of premature optimization, from the patch
>               history
> So I deleted that particular call; workspace switching is more responsive after
> that (on my other machine, with more RAM, the difference is barely noticeable).

Hard to see how deleting that line could hurt, so I've pushed it.


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