[xmonad] My hack to allow disabling of numlock without messing with my xmonad mod key

Thomas Løcke thomas.granvej6 at gmail.com
Wed Mar 20 17:40:34 CET 2013

On Wed, Mar 20, 2013 at 4:28 PM, Brandon Allbery <allbery.b at gmail.com>wrote:

> As for Xkb wizards, there are few such. Not even the xorg devs really
> understand it that well! See
> http://www.charvolant.org/~doug/xkb/html/index.html (although it seems to
> not be responding for me right now). It's a bit of a crawling horror, which
> nobody really understands (else they would have sorted out this mess, since
> they've known about it for something like ten years) and everyone is afraid
> to touch. That said, the basic solution is to use that web page as a guide,
> copy the Xkb keymap definition you're using and remove all the
> numlock-related parts. (Unfortunately, that may be easier said than done,
> given the mess that is Xkb.)

Yea, that URL seems somewhat dead at the moment. I did though manage to
find this one:


That does not seem overly complicated. Whether it can actually be used to
completely disable the numlock key I'm not sure, but it is worth a shot. If
I can't outright disable the numlock key, maybe I can map it to something
else, like this Thomer guy have done with the caps key.

All in all this truly is a mess. Disabling a key should be dead-simple. I'm
guessing it is issues such as this one that the wayland/mir people are
trying to solve?

Thomas Løcke
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