[xmonad] Issue 548 in xmonad: Feature request: greedyFocusWindow
codesite-noreply at google.com
codesite-noreply at google.com
Wed Jun 19 08:15:12 CEST 2013
Status: Accepted
Owner: vogt.a... at gmail.com
Labels: Component-Core Component-Contrib Type-Enhancement Priority-Low
Comment #1 on issue 548 by vogt.a... at gmail.com: Feature request:
Yes these are useful. A good question is whether these versions/copies
belong alongside the versions based on W.view, or maybe there's a better
It should be possible to write a function which corrects which workspaces
are on each screen after some other action runs (which is slightly bad
because then you have two calls to `XMonad.Operations.windows'):
greedy :: X () -> X ()
It could do something similar to the following:
greedy2 :: (Eq s, Eq i) => (W.StackSet i l1 a1 s sd1 -> W.StackSet i l a s
sd) -> W.StackSet i l1 a1 s sd1 -> W.StackSet i l a s sd
greedy2 f ws0 = let
swap a b = W.greedyView a . W.view b
s0 = W.screen $ W.current ws0
ws1 = f ws0
in if s0 == W.screen (W.current ws1) then ws1 else swap (W.currentTag
ws1) (W.currentTag ws0) ws1
At least to some approximation, greedy2 . W.view == W.greedyView
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