[xmonad] xmonad, XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops, wmctrl -l and Firefox

Thomas Løcke thomas.granvej6 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 16:47:31 CET 2013

Hey all,

I've more or less solved all my issues, and I'm ever so slowly moving
towards handing over the first two xmonad powered desktops to my employees.
I do though still have one unsolved problem: wmctrl -l does not list all
the windows that are currently open, so I can't reliable close Firefox with
"wmctrl -c firefox" meaning that more often than not when Firefox is
started, I get the nasty "restore" page. Quite annoying.

I've added XMonad.Hooks.EwmhDesktops to xmonad.hs, but it does not appear
to solve the problem.


Anybody got an idea as to what else I can do to fix this? I need to be able
to quit Firefox gracefully from a script, and plain pkill/kill just doesn't
cut it.

Thomas Løcke
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