[xmonad] Workspace ordering and DynamicWorkspaces (+ patch)

Hans Chen hanswchen at gmail.com
Tue Jan 8 04:05:45 CET 2013

Hi Adam,

Thank you so much for your answer! Hopefully people will chime in if
they're negatively affected by the patch.


On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 9:55 PM, adam vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Jan 6, 2013 at 6:27 PM, Hans Chen <hanswchen at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I use DynamicWorkspaces with a few predefined workspaces. The problem is
> > that when creating a new workspace, it gets sorted before my predefined
> > workspaces and thus I can't always have e.g. "web" on Mod+1.
> >
> > When searching for this issue I found the following patch:
> > http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/xmonad/2012-July/012810.html
> > I've been using it successfully since then, and in my opinion this new
> > behavior makes much more sense. My question is, does anyone know why the
> > patch hasn't been merged yet? Is there anything I can do to get it
> merged?
> >
> > Note that I don't have anything to do with the patch, all credits goes to
> > the original author Matthew Hague.
> Hi Hans,
> It helps to point out that you find the patch to be useful, since
> the change isn't unequivocally "better". For example, the
> workspace ordering I have (due XMonad.Actions.TopicSpace) puts
> the most recently used workspaces first. That's closer to what
> the current ordering getSortByIndex does than Matthew's patch. So
> I wouldn't be surprised if there are people who prefer the
> current behavior.
> So we can choose to do:
>  0. nothing
>  1. apply Matthew's patch as-is
> Making the result of getSortByIndex configurable by one of these
> methods:
>  2. store the function using XMonad.Util.ExtensibleState, which
>     can set to the right one using a startupHook (or elsewhere).
>  3. passing the actual function as a parameter (or as part of
>     another argument like XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog.PP)
>  4. something else?
> Another note is that some other modules will be affected
> (benefit?) by the change to getSortByIndex:
>   Actions/CycleWS.hs
>   Actions/WorkspaceNames.hs
>   Actions/SwapWorkspaces.hs
>   Hooks/EwmhDesktops.hs
>   Hooks/DynamicLog.hs
>   Prompt/Workspace.hs
> Unless there are some objections, I will apply the patch (option
> 1) in a week.
> --
> Adam
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