[xmonad] Darcs patch to expose arbitrary events to event hooks

Marshall Lochbaum mwlochbaum at gmail.com
Tue Feb 5 19:55:40 CET 2013

Last year this set of patches was submitted to the xmonad mailing list.
It allows the user to set which types of events will be passed to event
hooks by moving the two variables rootMask and clientMask from being
hard-coded constants to configurable parameters.


This message got no replies when it was sent, but I have found it very
useful. I have attached a few scripts that I have used with the patch:
these allow me to spawn things in the root window using a single
keypress without modifiers, to map caps lock to a "repeat last key" key
that makes typing words with double letters a bit easier, and to
implement a "show desktop" key that hides all windows when pressed and
returns them when released.

Since rootMask and clientMask are not modified by default, this won't
break any current xmonad behavior. It also only impacts event hooks, so
there is no chance of damaging other parts of xmonad with incorrect
configuration--the affected event hooks simply won't receive some

Can someone apply these changes to xmonad? I have attached a patch which
merges the two from the original message (there's really no reason to
apply one and not the other) and works with the latest darcs source. If
these are added I will also clean up and formally submit the other

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1 patch for repository http://code.haskell.org/xmonad:

Tue Feb  5 13:28:58 EST 2013  mwlochbaum at gmail.com
  * configurableEventMasks

New patches:

mwlochbaum at gmail.com**20130205182858
 Ignore-this: 3848de0f8f5ad5995e87a2a01e7752f
] {
hunk ./XMonad/Config.hs 30
 import XMonad.Core as XMonad hiding
-    ,handleEventHook,clickJustFocuses)
+    ,handleEventHook,clickJustFocuses,rootMask,clientMask)
 import qualified XMonad.Core as XMonad
hunk ./XMonad/Config.hs 34
-    ,handleEventHook,clickJustFocuses)
+    ,handleEventHook,clickJustFocuses,rootMask,clientMask)
 import XMonad.Layout
 import XMonad.Operations
hunk ./XMonad/Config.hs 148
      -- Percent of screen to increment by when resizing panes
      delta   = 3/100
+-- Event Masks:
+-- | The client events that xmonad is interested in
+clientMask :: EventMask
+clientMask = structureNotifyMask .|. enterWindowMask .|. propertyChangeMask
+-- | The root events that xmonad is interested in
+rootMask :: EventMask
+rootMask =  substructureRedirectMask .|. substructureNotifyMask
+        .|. enterWindowMask .|. leaveWindowMask .|. structureNotifyMask
+        .|. buttonPressMask
 -- Key bindings:
hunk ./XMonad/Config.hs 270
     , XMonad.handleEventHook    = handleEventHook
     , XMonad.focusFollowsMouse  = focusFollowsMouse
     , XMonad.clickJustFocuses       = clickJustFocuses
+    , XMonad.clientMask         = clientMask
+    , XMonad.rootMask           = rootMask
 -- | Finally, a copy of the default bindings in simple textual tabular format.
hunk ./XMonad/Core.hs 114
     , startupHook        :: !(X ())              -- ^ The action to perform on startup
     , focusFollowsMouse  :: !Bool                -- ^ Whether window entry events can change focus
     , clickJustFocuses   :: !Bool                -- ^ False to make a click which changes focus to be additionally passed to the window
+    , clientMask         :: !EventMask           -- ^ The client events that xmonad is interested in
+    , rootMask           :: !EventMask           -- ^ The root events that xmonad is interested in
hunk ./XMonad/Main.hsc 78
     -- If another WM is running, a BadAccess error will be returned.  The
     -- default error handler will write the exception to stderr and exit with
     -- an error.
-    selectInput dpy rootw $  substructureRedirectMask .|. substructureNotifyMask
-                         .|. enterWindowMask .|. leaveWindowMask .|. structureNotifyMask
-                         .|. buttonPressMask
+    selectInput dpy rootw $ rootMask initxmc
     sync dpy False -- sync to ensure all outstanding errors are delivered
     -- turn off the default handler in favor of one that ignores all errors
hunk ./XMonad/Operations.hs 187
 -- | hide. Hide a window by unmapping it, and setting Iconified.
 hide :: Window -> X ()
 hide w = whenX (gets (S.member w . mapped)) $ withDisplay $ \d -> do
-    io $ do selectInput d w (clientMask .&. complement structureNotifyMask)
+    cMask <- asks $ clientMask . config
+    io $ do selectInput d w (cMask .&. complement structureNotifyMask)
             unmapWindow d w
hunk ./XMonad/Operations.hs 190
-            selectInput d w clientMask
+            selectInput d w cMask
     setWMState w iconicState
     -- this part is key: we increment the waitingUnmap counter to distinguish
     -- between client and xmonad initiated unmaps.
hunk ./XMonad/Operations.hs 205
     io $ mapWindow d w
     whenX (isClient w) $ modify (\s -> s { mapped = S.insert w (mapped s) })
--- | The client events that xmonad is interested in
-clientMask :: EventMask
-clientMask = structureNotifyMask .|. enterWindowMask .|. propertyChangeMask
 -- | Set some properties when we initially gain control of a window
 setInitialProperties :: Window -> X ()
 setInitialProperties w = asks normalBorder >>= \nb -> withDisplay $ \d -> do
hunk ./XMonad/Operations.hs 209
     setWMState w iconicState
-    io $ selectInput d w clientMask
+    asks (clientMask . config) >>= io . selectInput d w
     bw <- asks (borderWidth . config)
     io $ setWindowBorderWidth d w bw
     -- we must initially set the color of new windows, to maintain invariants


[Issue 135 use wa_border_width for floating windows (neoraider)
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20130115170715
 Ignore-this: c8ed6ceaf9483e31771ac25d86532f6c
[Add flags for call to ghc closing issue 240
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20130101035034
 Ignore-this: 42a6a8599b615884c95626f74e3ba4a
 The -main-is flag goes back to at least ghc 6.10, and maybe the warning that
 this otherwise redundant flag enables (when xmonad.hs isn't a  module Main)
 also dates back that far.
[TAG 0.11 actual upload
Adam Vogt <vogt.adam at gmail.com>**20130101014128
 Ignore-this: 2c2a85caeed30cd23f02a7caf229fe7d
Patch bundle hash:
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