[xmonad] Haskell question: avoiding code duplication
Peter Jones
mlists at pmade.com
Sat Feb 2 19:08:46 CET 2013
I've been working on a few customizations to xmonad but as I play with
Haskell I keep seeing a pattern of duplication in my code that I don't
know how to resolve. Here's an example:
-- | Enables 'focusFollowsMouse' for tiled windows only. For this to
-- work you need to turn off 'focusFollowsMouse' in your configuration
-- and then add this function to your 'handleEventHook'.
focusFollowsTiledOnly :: Event -> X All
focusFollowsTiledOnly e@(CrossingEvent {ev_window = w, ev_event_type = t})
| isNormalEnter = whenX bothTiled (focus w) >> continueHooks
where isNormalEnter = t == enterNotify && ev_mode e == notifyNormal
bothTiled = (&&) <$> notFloating w <*> currentIsTiled
currentIsTiled = currentWindow >>= maybe (return True) notFloating
currentWindow = gets $ W.peek . windowset
notFloating w' = gets $ not . M.member w' . W.floating . windowset
continueHooks = return . mempty $ True
focusFollowsTiledOnly _ = return . mempty $ True
The last two lines demonstrate the pattern I've been seeing. The only
way I know how to remove this duplication is to move it out into a
top-level function. Is that correct?
Peter Jones --- Love to Develop
303-219-0226 http://devalot.com
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