[xmonad] Two patches for xmonad-contrib: new layout modifier and new "conditional" layout

adam vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Sun Dec 1 20:56:22 UTC 2013

Hi Ilya,

I have some concerns/suggestions for these modules. First about InRegion:

1. XMonad.Layout.Gaps does the same thing (except with pixels and not
fractions of the screen dimensions), so I think if we call InRegion
GapsRelative that'll emphasize the connection.

2. LayoutBuilder's (layoutAll (relBox a b c d)) is supposed to do the
same thing as (inRegion a b c d).

In IfMax there are some things that should be re-written, unless I'm
missing something. For example, you write:

+                                    let l1' = fromMaybe l1 ml1'
+                                    return (wrs, Just $ IfMax n l1' l2)

Why not:

+                                    return (wrs, fmap (\l1' -> IfMax
n l1' l2) ml1' )

You run the underlying layout with workspace name "", when you could
propagate it.

There are some unnecessary constraints on the LayoutClass instance. It
should be fine to just have `(LayoutClass l1 a, LayoutClass l2 a) =>'

Did you test with decorated layouts? For example, (ifMax 2 Full
simpleTabbed) is ok except that when you click on tabs the focus
doesn't change. I imagine one workaround would be to instead:

  addTabs shrinkText def (ifMax 2 Full Simplest)

But maybe both options can be made to work. Or at least the variation
that does work should be described somewhere (if it's not already).


On Sun, Dec 1, 2013 at 11:59 AM, Ilya Portnov <portnov84 at rambler.ru> wrote:
> Hello XMonad world.
> There are two patches for xmonad-contrib.
> InRegion is a layout modifier. It runs underlying layout in restricted
> rectangle region. You specify that region with X,Y coordinates of top-left
> corner, and width, height of rectangle.
> All numbers are specified as parts of whole region (e.g., screen
> dimensions). So, "inRegion 0 0 1 1 someLayout" will just run someLayout as
> is. "inRegion 0.15 0 0.7 1 Full" will give you 15% margins at left and at
> right.
> IfMax layout is a "conditional layout". It runs one layout, if there are as
> maximum N windows, and otherwise it runs another layout. Example:
>  > ifMax 2 Full (Tall ...)
> In this example, if there are 1 or 2 windows, Full layout will be used;
> otherwise, Tall layout will be used.
> With best regards,
> Ilya Portnov.
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