[xmonad] Xmonad+dzen2+two monitors

Robert Sawko robertsawko at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 13:35:27 CEST 2012

Hello again,

the second little issue that troubles me is how make dzen2 display
selected workspaces on my two monitors. The relevant line in my setup is

myXmonadBar = "dzen2 -x '95' -y '0' -h '30' -w '1900' -ta 'l' -fg '#FFFFFF' -bg '#1B1D1E'"

And this is really nice. My current workspace is highlighted and also
"active" workspaces i.e. workspaces with applications on them are
highlighted. But there is no way to distinguish which workspace is the
current workspace on the other monitor. xmobar was putting parenthesis
automatically which was really good and helpful.

Is there anyway to tell dzen2 how to highlight current workspaces on my
separate monitors.

Please advise,
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