[xmonad] Issue 4 in xmonad: Separate focus for tiled and floating layers

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Mon Oct 1 02:51:48 CEST 2012

Comment #36 on issue 4 by eg1... at gmail.com: Separate focus for tiled and  
floating layers

Why don't we split what ever variable inside xmonad that tracks focus into  
two, a "trueFocus" and a "tiledFocus", for example? One for use in layouts  
like max and tabbed that use focus to determine layout, and one for use in  
determining within XMonad where text entry goes and where to draw the  
active border and such. Change "trueFocus" everywhere you used to  
change "focus" and if you're changing "trueFocus" to a tiled window  
change "tiledFocus" too. (Disclaimer: I know nothing about the Xmonad  
source, nor really much about haskell in general, so disregard my idea if  
I'm totally off base.)

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