[xmonad] Issue 177 in xmonad: xmonad does not follow ICCCM and ignores WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Fri Nov 16 16:32:41 CET 2012

Comment #121 on issue 177 by vially.i... at gmail.com: xmonad does not follow  
ICCCM and ignores WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol

Apparently the patch from comment #33 was merged. So if you pull the  
current xmonad and xmonad-contrib versions from darcs everything should be  
Just make sure to remove the logHook = takeTopFocus and the old import  
XMonad.Hooks.ICCCMFocus which is now deprecated.

I've tested it on Archlinux with openjdk7 and no issues so far.

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