[xmonad] darcs patch: handle-windows-without-size-hint

mathstuf at gmail.com mathstuf at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 07:31:21 CET 2012

1 patch for repository http://code.haskell.org/XMonadContrib:

Fri Mar  9 01:27:13 EST 2012  mathstuf at gmail.com
  * handle-windows-without-size-hint
  When a window has no size hint set, the memory returned by XGetWMNormalHints
  may be pretty useless. This can cause hint-less windows to bounce between 1x1,
  1xn, mx1, the proper size, and (rarely) fullscreen when the layoutHints layout
  modifier from xmonad-contrib is used.
  This patch fixes X.L.LayoutHints to ignore windows without a size hint by
  using the new functions in X.Operations that return SizeHint as a Maybe.

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