[xmonad] Issue 177 in xmonad: xmonad does not follow ICCCM and ignores WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Wed Jun 27 08:39:31 CEST 2012

Comment #89 on issue 177 by claus.kl... at gmail.com: xmonad does not follow  
ICCCM and ignores WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol

Well, this problem ist actually solved, as the patch from Mr. Vogt (see  
comment #33) fixes my problems with Java-Apps (incl. Squirrel-SQL, ...).  
The problem is that this patch hasn't been included in the official  
distributions (wasn't applied to xmonad-darcs) yet, for whatever reason.  
This is a real pitty.

However, if you are on Arch-Linux, you can find builds of xmonad and  
xmonad-contrib in the AUR-repository that include this patch and fix the  
Java-focus problems.

Not sure whom is to bug so this patch gets into mainline.

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