[xmonad] darcs patch: Separate source and build directories (and 1 more)
Carsten Mattner
carstenmattner at googlemail.com
Tue Jun 26 22:04:25 CEST 2012
On Tue, Jun 26, 2012 at 9:16 PM, <daniel.trstenjak at googlemail.com> wrote:
> 2 patches for repository http://code.haskell.org/xmonad:
> Thu Jun 7 15:16:32 CEST 2012 daniel.trstenjak at gmail.com
> * Separate source and build directories
> The source files are still located in '~/.xmonad'
> and the build files and the xmonad binary are now put
> into '~/.xmonad_build'.
An alternative location could be ~/.cache/xmonad.
yi - possibly via dyre - stores stuff in ~/.cache/yi.
> By separating the source and build directories it's
> easier and nicer to backup and synchronize the source files.
> Tue Jun 26 20:26:40 CEST 2012 daniel.trstenjak at gmail.com
> * Add getXMonadDir for backward compatibility
> [Separate source and build directories
> daniel.trstenjak at gmail.com**20120607131632
> Ignore-this: 28d77ca18bd2f05013759b3b50cc1476
> The source files are still located in '~/.xmonad'
> and the build files and the xmonad binary are now put
> into '~/.xmonad_build'.
> By separating the source and build directories it's
> easier and nicer to backup and synchronize the source files.
> ] {
> hunk ./Main.hs 95
> buildLaunch :: IO ()
> buildLaunch = do
> recompile False
> - dir <- getXMonadDir
> - args <- getArgs
> - executeFile (dir ++ "/xmonad-"++arch++"-"++os) False args Nothing
> + binPath <- getXMonadBinaryPath
> + args <- getArgs
> + executeFile binPath False args Nothing
> return ()
> sendRestart :: IO ()
> hunk ./XMonad/Core.hs 28
> StateExtension(..), ExtensionClass(..),
> runX, catchX, userCode, userCodeDef, io, catchIO, installSignalHandlers, uninstallSignalHandlers,
> withDisplay, withWindowSet, isRoot, runOnWorkspaces,
> - getAtom, spawn, spawnPID, xfork, getXMonadDir, recompile, trace, whenJust, whenX,
> - atom_WM_STATE, atom_WM_PROTOCOLS, atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, ManageHook, Query(..), runQuery
> + getAtom, spawn, spawnPID, xfork, getXMonadBinaryPath, getXMonadSourceDir, getXMonadBuildDir,
> + recompile, trace, whenJust, whenX, atom_WM_STATE, atom_WM_PROTOCOLS, atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, ManageHook, Query(..), runQuery
> ) where
> import XMonad.StackSet hiding (modify)
> hunk ./XMonad/Core.hs 420
> modify $ \s -> s { windowset = ws { current = c, visible = v, hidden = h } }
> -- | Return the path to @~\/.xmonad at .
> -getXMonadDir :: MonadIO m => m String
> -getXMonadDir = io $ getAppUserDataDirectory "xmonad"
> +getXMonadSourceDir :: MonadIO m => m String
> +getXMonadSourceDir = io $ getAppUserDataDirectory "xmonad"
> +
> +-- | Return the path to @~\/.xmonad_build at .
> +getXMonadBuildDir :: MonadIO m => m String
> +getXMonadBuildDir = do
> + dir <- io $ (++ "_build") <$> getXMonadSourceDir
> + io $ createDirectoryIfMissing False dir
> + return dir
> +
> +getXMonadBinaryPath :: MonadIO m => m String
> +getXMonadBinaryPath = io $ (</> binName) <$> getXMonadBuildDir
> + where
> + binName = "xmonad-" ++ arch ++ "-" ++ os
> -- | 'recompile force', recompile @~\/.xmonad\/xmonad.hs@ when any of the
> -- following apply:
> hunk ./XMonad/Core.hs 456
> --
> recompile :: MonadIO m => Bool -> m Bool
> recompile force = io $ do
> - dir <- getXMonadDir
> - let binn = "xmonad-"++arch++"-"++os
> - bin = dir </> binn
> - base = dir </> "xmonad"
> - err = base ++ ".errors"
> - src = base ++ ".hs"
> - lib = dir </> "lib"
> + srcDir <- getXMonadSourceDir
> + buildDir <- getXMonadBuildDir
> + binPath <- getXMonadBinaryPath
> + let err = buildDir </> "xmonad" <.> "errors"
> + src = srcDir </> "xmonad" <.> "hs"
> + lib = srcDir </> "lib"
> libTs <- mapM getModTime . Prelude.filter isSource =<< allFiles lib
> hunk ./XMonad/Core.hs 463
> - srcT <- getModTime src
> - binT <- getModTime bin
> + srcT <- getModTime src
> + binT <- getModTime binPath
> if force || any (binT <) (srcT : libTs)
> then do
> -- temporarily disable SIGCHLD ignoring:
> hunk ./XMonad/Core.hs 469
> uninstallSignalHandlers
> + let ghcOpts = ["--make", "xmonad.hs", "-i", "-ilib", "-fforce-recomp", "-v0", "-outputdir", buildDir, "-o", binPath]
> status <- bracket (openFile err WriteMode) hClose $ \h ->
> hunk ./XMonad/Core.hs 471
> - waitForProcess =<< runProcess "ghc" ["--make", "xmonad.hs", "-i", "-ilib", "-fforce-recomp", "-v0", "-o",binn] (Just dir)
> + waitForProcess =<< runProcess "ghc" ghcOpts (Just srcDir)
> Nothing Nothing Nothing (Just h)
> -- re-enable SIGCHLD:
> }
> [Add getXMonadDir for backward compatibility
> daniel.trstenjak at gmail.com**20120626182640
> Ignore-this: 9d83affafd1d8a19285292edca7ccbef
> ] {
> hunk ./XMonad/Core.hs 28
> StateExtension(..), ExtensionClass(..),
> runX, catchX, userCode, userCodeDef, io, catchIO, installSignalHandlers, uninstallSignalHandlers,
> withDisplay, withWindowSet, isRoot, runOnWorkspaces,
> - getAtom, spawn, spawnPID, xfork, getXMonadBinaryPath, getXMonadSourceDir, getXMonadBuildDir,
> + getAtom, spawn, spawnPID, xfork, getXMonadBinaryPath, getXMonadSourceDir, getXMonadBuildDir, getXMonadDir,
> recompile, trace, whenJust, whenX, atom_WM_STATE, atom_WM_PROTOCOLS, atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, ManageHook, Query(..), runQuery
> ) where
> hunk ./XMonad/Core.hs 419
> $ current ws : visible ws
> modify $ \s -> s { windowset = ws { current = c, visible = v, hidden = h } }
> +getXMonadDir = getXMonadSourceDir
> +
> -- | Return the path to @~\/.xmonad at .
> getXMonadSourceDir :: MonadIO m => m String
> getXMonadSourceDir = io $ getAppUserDataDirectory "xmonad"
> }
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