[xmonad] doFullFloat keybinding?

wagnerdm at seas.upenn.edu wagnerdm at seas.upenn.edu
Tue Jul 10 11:00:14 CEST 2012

Quoting 1126 <mailinglists at elfsechsundzwanzig.de>:

> Hello List!
> I have a WS devoted to reading PDFs and alike and in my manageHook  
> config stands
> the following:
>                , className =? "Evince" --> doFullFloat
> This is, because I like my two xmobars (top and bottom) to disappear, when
> reading a paper such things. But: When evince is FullFloating I got problems
> when opening more than one instance of it, like a second paper. It  
> just lets the
> first one disappear under the freshly opened one.

Probably the cleanest fix is to let that workspace run a  
non-avoidStruts layout, since avoidStruts is the thing making your  
windows avoid covering xmobar. (And then completely delete the hook  
that floats evince windows.) For example, a smallish starting config  
might look something like this:

     main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = avoidStruts (Full |||  
Tall 1 0.5 0.03) }

If you wanted to throw on another layout like Tall that covered up  
xmobar's, you'd do something like this:

     main = xmonad defaultConfig { layoutHook = avoidStruts (Full |||  
Tall 1 0.5 0.03) ||| Tall 1 0.5 0.03 }

Because of the parentheses, avoidStruts only applies to the first two  
layouts. Then, I'd switch my "PDF" workspace to the third layout by  
whacking mod+space a few times. (This can be automated, too, with a  
bit of effort. See PerWorkspaceLayouts in the xmonad-contrib  

Good luck,

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