[xmonad] EwmhDesktops vs. ewmhDesktopsEventHook

Toens Bueker toens.bueker at lists0903.nurfuerspam.neuroserve.de
Fri Jan 6 16:30:25 CET 2012

wagnerdm at seas.upenn.edu wrote:


> >Obviously that is no longer "in scope". As my haskell-skills are near
> >to zero (I'm just using it), I would be very pleased, if somebody
> >could have a look at the config and make use of emwhDesktopsEventHook
> >or ewmh as a hole and make the config usable again.
> It looks like there are some instructions on the wiki:
> http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Notable_changes_since_0.8#EwmhDesktops
> Did you try them yet?

I removed "ewmhDesktopsLayout" from "layoutHook" and xmonad comes up
without errors but my keys no longer work. Could that be connected to

Kind regards,
There is no safe distance.

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