[xmonad] How do you test ManageHook using QuickCheck?

Takafumi Arakaki aka.tkf at gmail.com
Thu Feb 16 15:42:09 CET 2012

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 2:38 AM, Linus Arver <linusarver at gmail.com> wrote:
> Testing the manage hook "as is" w/o separating the pure computation part
> is probably really hard to do... if I'm not mistaken XMonad already uses
> QuickCheck so you'd have to dig inside the XMonad code for some
> examples. This is a lot more difficult than just testing pure parts...

Defining manage hook as pure function sounds redundant because I
cannot use already defined monadic management hooks inside of that
function (maybe I am misunderstanding this part).  That's why I wanted
to test manage hook "as is".


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