[xmonad] Delays in focus update...

Norbert Zeh nzeh at cs.dal.ca
Tue Feb 7 00:30:56 CET 2012

Don Stewart [2012.02.06 1808 -0500]:
> Multiple monitors - eg four - are common in financial market work, where
> keeping lots of customized data tiled on screen, at all times, can have a
> significant productivity advantage. Screen real estate is valuable!
> It's also nice for devs who keep lots of scripts and tools monitoring their
> work.

Well, I'm actually a plain old academic and wouldn't want to miss my four
monitors any more.  It helps to be able to have a preview of the paper one is
writing one one screen (in portrait mode so a whole page is visible at a
readable zoom factor), having maybe a paper one needs to discuss in a "previous
work" section on a different portrait monitor and, in between, on the remaining
two monitors, editor, drawing program, shell, ...  It's not hard to fill four
monitors and use a workflow that would be significantly less efficient with
fewer monitors.  Then again, I of course survived quite happily with two
monitors before, and with a single 17" monitor before that.  As hardware gets
cheaper, one says, "Why not.  It makes work easier and more enjoyable."


> On Monday, February 6, 2012, Philipp Haselwarter <philipp.haselwarter at gmx.de>
> wrote:
> > completely skipping on your question, but you just got me curious --
> > what kind of task do you work on that allows/requires you to use four
> > monitors?
> > I just upgraded to two, giving me 3840x1200 which is really
> > comfortable for having Emacs on one screen and firefox or whatever else
> > on the other, but that's about as much as I can deal with at one time.
> > just made me wonder =)
> >
> > --
> > Philipp Haselwarter
> >
> >
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