[xmonad] Learning how to do proper keybindings (and a little bit about xmobar)

wagnerdm at seas.upenn.edu wagnerdm at seas.upenn.edu
Mon Feb 6 16:33:49 CET 2012

Quoting Thomas Løcke <thomas.granvej6 at gmail.com>:

> myKeys = [ ("M-b", sendMessage ToggleStruts )
>          , ("M-<Right>", nextWS)
>          , ("M-<Left>", prevWS)
>          , ("M-p", spawn "gmrun")
>          , ("M-r", spawn "xmonad --restart")
>          , ("M-g", spawn "google-chrome")
>          , ("M-f", spawn "firefox")
>          , ("M-s", spawn "sudo /usr/sbin/pm-suspend")
>          , ("C-M-h", spawn "sudo /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate")
>          , ("C-M-r", spawn "sudo /sbin/shutdown -r now")
>          , ("C-M-s", spawn "sudo /sbin/shutdown -h now")
>          ]
> -- This is where it all goes haywire! I found these online, but with no
> direction on how
> -- to add them to myKeys.
> -- volKeys = \c -> mkKeymap c $
> --       [ ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer -c 0 set Master 1+
> unmute")
> --       , ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "amixer -c 0 set Master 1-")
> --       ]
> The commented block below myKeys is where everything falls apart for me. I
> cannot for the life of me figure out how to add those two keys to myKeys.
> Any and all advice is more than welcome!

Just include those bindings at the end of the list.

myKeys = [ ("M-b", sendMessage ToggleStruts )
          , -- etc.
          , ("<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>", spawn "amixer -c 0 set Master 1+ unmute"
          , ("<XF86AudioLowerVolume>", spawn "amixer -c 0 set Master 1-")


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