[xmonad] Issue 493 in xmonad: spawnPipe opens another instance of the applicatioon

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Mon Feb 6 01:21:04 CET 2012

Comment #4 on issue 493 by MathStuf at gmail.com: spawnPipe opens another  
instance of the applicatioon

I would recommend using xmonadpropwrite instead of spawnPipe in this case.  
An example of xmobarrc[1] xmonad.hs[2] are in my dotfiles repo. Not all  
distros package xmonadpropwrite (it's a script in the xmobar repo, but not  
built by default). I install it for Fedora, but you may have to ask your  
distro to ship it as well.


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