[xmonad] thinking of switching...

Allan Wind allan_wind at lifeintegrity.com
Wed Sep 7 23:41:38 CEST 2011

On 2011-09-07 17:01:55, serialhex wrote:
> my Q is:  how much haskell do i need to know to use it effectively?  at the
> moment i am pre-alpha grasshopper status in my haskell coding skills, (i
> know haskell exists and is high on my list of languages to learn) though i
> don't want to have to become a haskell guru in order to be able to use
> xmonad.  so really, what's the learning curve like to start using xmonad?

It depends what you want to do, of course.

I am happy with my 19 line configuration file constructed by 
reviewing the excellent documentation and I think a couple of web 
searches.  No prior knowledge of Haskell and next to none now.  

Why not give a try and see how it goes?

Allan Wind
Life Integrity, LLC

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