[xmonad] Issue 177 in xmonad: xmonad does not follow ICCCM and ignores WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Wed Sep 7 12:44:38 CEST 2011

Comment #74 on issue 177 by claus.kl... at gmail.com: xmonad does not follow  
ICCCM and ignores WM_TAKE_FOCUS protocol

Thanks Daniel!

Now, after applying the patch from comment #33 to Xmonad-darcs, Xmonad  
itself compiles fine, but Xmonad-contrib-darcs no longer does:

     Ambiguous occurrence `atom_WM_TAKE_FOCUS'
     It could refer to either `XMonad.Hooks.ICCCMFocus.atom_WM_TAKE_FOCUS',
                              defined at XMonad/Hooks/ICCCMFocus.hs:34:1
                           or `XMonad.atom_WM_TAKE_FOCUS',
                              imported from XMonad at  

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