[xmonad] Issue 447 in xmonad: installation breaks copy/paste feature of vmware-tools

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sat Oct 29 18:57:28 CEST 2011

Comment #4 on issue 447 by p.raderm... at gmail.com: installation breaks  
copy/paste feature of vmware-tools

Just to let you know that the issue in comment 3 has nothing to do with  
xmonad. It is related to arch linux/gvim/urxvt when gvim is launched from  
the terminal. Launching Gvim with a spawn command or dmenu fixes this.

FWIW,Copy/paste does not seem to work at all from the guest to the host  
(works fine from the host to the guest). This is not related to xmonad. I  
have switched back to vmware.

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