[xmonad] X.L.MouseResizableTile DraggerType=BordersDragger doesn't have any effect

wagnerdm at seas.upenn.edu wagnerdm at seas.upenn.edu
Wed Nov 30 17:52:57 CET 2011

For future reference, if mod+q doesn't reset your layouts properly,  
mod+shift+space will. xmonad does its best to preserve state (like  
which workspaces windows appear on) across restarts, and that state  
includes which layouts are active.

Quoting Aram H?v?rneanu <aram.h at mgk.ro>:

>> Here is my xmonad.hs file: http://hpaste.org/54715
>> [...]
>> draggerType = BordersDragger doesn't have any effect [...]
> Sorry for the noise, it works fine, you just need to restart xmonad
> instead of simply doing Mod-q.
> Thanks,
> --
> Aram H?v?rneanu
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