[xmonad] is it possible to display workspace number on the corresponding screen?

Lara Michaels laramichaels1978 at yahoo.com
Sun May 8 17:42:50 CEST 2011

Hi everyone,

I just moved to a three-screen setup at work and am suffering from a curious problem: I cannot remember which workspace is being displayed on each of the screens! That makes it pretty time-consuming to switch one screen from its current workspace to a different one.

With the earlier help of list members, I am using showWMName:

import XMonad.Layout.ShowWName

myLayout = layoutHook gnomeConfig -- part of displaying current workspace name using Xmonad.Layout.ShowWName

main = xmonad $ ewmh gnomeConfig {
        manageHook = manageHook gnomeConfig <+> composeAll myManageHook,
        workspaces = myWorkspaces,
        modMask = mod4Mask, -- makes all xmonad shortcuts be "Windows key + X" (thus not interfering with any app's)
        borderWidth        = 3,
        normalBorderColor  = "#cccccc",
        focusedBorderColor = "#cd8b00",
        layoutHook = showWName myLayout
        `additionalKeysP` myKeys

This gets me a small useful indication of which workspace I am moving to *when I switch from one to the other*. 

Similarly, is it possible to permanently display in a corner (e.g., in the bottom-left corner) of each screen the number of the workspace that is being displayed on that screen? Or perhaps have the option of showing this same information in the center of each screen by pressing a hot key? 

With multihead setups (where I think xmonad really shines), it is quite confusing not know which workspace you are looking at on each screen... I only wish I understood Haskell so that I could implement something like this. If this is a small hack that can be accomplished with three lines of code, please tell me how to do it! :)

all the best and my thanks for any help

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