[xmonad] xmobar

Norbert Zeh nzeh at cs.dal.ca
Sun May 1 14:45:43 CEST 2011

scolfield [2011.05.01 0908 -0300]:
> Hi,
> I`m newer in xmonad and I have tried to configure xmobar on my xmonad, but
> it is not working. How can have an idea? Wich is the basic configuration of
> .xmobarrc file ?

I would suggest two things simultaneously until you have it working:

1.  Start with a barebones config file and add plugins one by one until
    you have what you want.  A good start that supports xmonad's output
    and nothing more is:

    Config { font         = "fixed"
           , bgColor      = "black"
           , fgColor      = "cornsilk"
           , position     = Top
           , lowerOnStart = True
           , commands     = [ Run StdinReader ]
           , sepChar      = "%"
           , alignSep     = "}{"
           , template     = "%StdinReader%"

2.  Run your xmobar from the shell.  If something's broken in your
    config file, it will complain.

Then read the README file included with xmobar or the documentation on
the website to figure out which plugins you want to add.  Note that some
plugins rely on other things installed on your machine.  E.g., CoreTemp
requires lm_sensors.

- Norbert


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