[xmonad] Issue 432 in xmonad: Module for linking workspaces in a multihead setup

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Thu Mar 24 15:25:22 CET 2011

Comment #4 on issue 432 by kubaracz... at gmail.com: Module for linking  
workspaces in a multihead setup

Ah yes, good.. Sorry for the X.StackSet, had it imported as W

However I get
  Couldn't match expected type `X ()'
            against inferred type `W.StackSet WorkspaceId l a s sd
                                   -> W.StackSet WorkspaceId l a s sd'
     In the first argument of `switchWS', namely `W.view'
     In the expression: switchWS W.view message
     In the expression: (switchWS W.view message, 0)

which i don't understand ;(
What I did is I set:
     messages = defaultMessageConf
which should use noMessages (if I am correct). This, however brings the  
said error...

Any idea about this?

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