[xmonad] Issue 242 in xmonad: inter screen handling doesn't work with xrandr --right-of, works with --left-of

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Fri Jun 10 00:15:58 CEST 2011

Comment #4 on issue 242 by hramr... at gmail.com: inter screen handling  
doesn't work with xrandr --right-of, works with --left-of

It does not compile for me

Error detected while loading xmonad configuration file:  

     Couldn't match expected type `M.Map (KeyMask, key) (X ())'
                 with actual type `Query (Data.Monoid.Endo WindowSet)'
     Expected type: M.Map (KeyMask, key) (X ())
       Actual type: ManageHook
     In the expression:
         orderedScreenKeys (onWs f1) (modMask xconf, ks)
         orderedScreenKeys (onWs f2) (modMask xconf .|. shiftMask, ks)
     In an equation for `shiftDiff':
         shiftDiff f1 f2 ks xconf
           = orderedScreenKeys (onWs f1) (modMask xconf, ks)
             orderedScreenKeys (onWs f2) (modMask xconf .|. shiftMask, ks)

Please check the file for errors.

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