[xmonad] Issue 425 in xmonad: XMonad.Layout.LayoutHints serious bugs

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Tue Jan 4 02:39:34 CET 2011

	Status: Accepted
	Owner: vogt.adam
	Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium Component-Contrib

Comment #1 on issue 425 by vogt.adam: XMonad.Layout.LayoutHints serious bugs

I agree that these deficiencies are significant.

If you switch the order of hints and the decoration, the decorations are  
unaffected, but then the hints are incorrectly applied, since the correctly  
resized windows are later resized to make space for the decoration.

LayoutHints does not treat windows which are the decorations differently,  
so they get resized (or at least the gray background does). Either  
LayoutHints could special case windows arranged by the layout being  
modified which do not exist in the passed Stack, or the decoration modules  
could set appropriate hints on those windows.

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