[xmonad] Issue 440 in xmonad: Lives preference dialog infinite loop

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Fri Dec 30 01:26:33 CET 2011

Comment #6 on issue 440 by salsa... at gmail.com: Lives preference dialog  
infinite loop

It seems like the bug is in GTK+ 2.x and NOT, in fact, in LiVES.


mentions the bug and that it has been fixed in GTK 3.

BTW, you will get LiVES issues resolved much quicker if you report them on  
the LiVES bug tracker:

or on the LiVES fora...

or on the lives-users or lives-devel mailing lists...

or by emailing the developer (me) directly... In fact two of these methods  
are available by a single click from the Help menu.

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