[xmonad] Issue 339 in xmonad: Support for toggling totem movie player fullscreen

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sat Dec 24 18:29:19 CET 2011

	Status: Fixed

Comment #12 on issue 339 by wirtwo... at gmail.com: Support for toggling totem  
movie player fullscreen

EwmhDesktops fullscreenEventHook and XMonad.Layout.Fullscreen provide this  
support in 0.10.

Re. what fullscreen support should be provided by default, and what support  
(if any) should be in core, see Issue 313.

Re. changing the fullscreen implementation from doFullFloat to something  
that ignores some events and is always borderless without using  
X.Layout.NoBorders.lessBorders, see Issue 410.

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