[xmonad] Issue 102 in xmonad: xK_KP_[0-9] don't work when mapped

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Fri Dec 16 00:31:56 CET 2011

Comment #4 on issue 102 by allber... at gmail.com: xK_KP_[0-9] don't work when  

0.9.2 was a very minimal update to the 2-year-old 0.9.1.  That said, I  
don't think 0.10 addresses this either.

I think this is related to the rather odd way PC keyboards report the  
numpad keys (related to backward compatibility with the original IBM PC  
keyboard; the keyboard actually sends a series of modifier shifts along  
with the key, so the X11 server actually sees XK_KP_Begin with the num lock  
modifier active *from the keyboard hardware*), and as such may not be  
fixable at the level of xmonad.  If nothing else, it would require the  
ability to see the original key modifiers without numlockMask being masked  
out to distinguish between them, or possibly a hook deep in the core before  
that masking to rewrite e.g. (numlockMask,xK_KP_Begin) to (0,xK_KP_5).

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