[xmonad] Select grid shape and sort elements for XMonad.Actions.GridSelect

Mario Pastorelli pastorelli.mario at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 01:44:58 CET 2011

Hello everybody,
I have decided to post my patch to improve GridSelect so that you can 
choose the grid shape and you can sort elements. I decided to do this 
patch because I don't like the idea to use a diamond grid for my 
workspaces without any order. It is too confusing for me. With my patch 
gridselect can show workspaces in a row sorted by tag.
The defaultGSConfig has not been touched so that my patch will not break 
existent configuration using that. If you want to show and sort 
workspaces in a row you can change your xmonad.hs by putting this:

   gridselectWorkspace defaultGSConfig { gs_shaper = line, 
gs_elementSort = sort }

where sort is the function from the list module.

Good night,
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