[xmonad] Ignore single window for focus follows mouse?

Wirt Wolff wirtwolff at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 04:34:50 CET 2011

Excerpts from Joseph Garvin's message of Tue Dec 06 16:59:16 -0700 2011:
> .....
> one. But ManageHook doesn't define a negation operator, just "=?", so I'm
> not sure how to do it (pardon my lack of haskell literacy ;p). Also, what I
> really want to do is match the regex ".*Call with.*" but I figured I'd try
> to get it working with an exact name first.
> In general, when you have a Query Bool, is there a way to get the Bool out
> of it so you can do normal operations? I know this is related to how monads
> work, but I don't really understand xmonad's architecture yet.
> -- Focus follows mouse is annoying for skype
> followEventHook event = followOnlyIf (notSkype) event
>   where notSkype =
>           runQuery ((stringProperty "WM_NAME") =? "Call with ") (ev_window
> event)

As mentioned in the other reply fmap lifts functions. So to match
"Call with" anywhere inside WM_NAME, you can import Data.List to use its
isInfixOf test (there are also isPrefixOf and isSuffixOf). Also in
ManageHook, `title' is provided for matching WM_NAME. So all in all I
think you're after:

runQuery (fmap (not . ("Call with" `isInfixOf`)) title)

-- wmw

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