[xmonad] Ignore single window for focus follows mouse?

Joseph Garvin joseph.h.garvin at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 00:59:16 CET 2011

I'm close, but I only know how to get the opposite of the functionality I
want. The code below prevents focus on all windows except those with the
name "Call with " but I actually want it to focus on any window except that
one. But ManageHook doesn't define a negation operator, just "=?", so I'm
not sure how to do it (pardon my lack of haskell literacy ;p). Also, what I
really want to do is match the regex ".*Call with.*" but I figured I'd try
to get it working with an exact name first.

In general, when you have a Query Bool, is there a way to get the Bool out
of it so you can do normal operations? I know this is related to how monads
work, but I don't really understand xmonad's architecture yet.

-- Focus follows mouse is annoying for skype
followEventHook event = followOnlyIf (notSkype) event
  where notSkype =
          runQuery ((stringProperty "WM_NAME") =? "Call with ") (ev_window

On Mon, Dec 5, 2011 at 1:57 PM, Brent Yorgey <byorgey at seas.upenn.edu> wrote:

> On Mon, Dec 05, 2011 at 12:54:28PM -0400, Norbert Zeh wrote:
> > wagnerdm at seas.upenn.edu [2011.12.05 0948 -0500]:
> > > Quoting Joseph Garvin <joseph.h.garvin at gmail.com>:
> > >
> > > >The FAQ mentions you can set focusFollowsMouse to false to disable it
> > > >completely, but I'd like to disable focus following the mouse only
> when
> > > >moving the mouse over a particular window (the pointer going over any
> other
> > > >window should still cause that window to get focus). Is there an easy
> way
> > > >to do that?
> > >
> > > Maybe "followOnlyIf" from
> > >
> http://xmonad.org/xmonad-docs/xmonad-contrib/XMonad-Layout-MagicFocus.html
> > > will help you.
> >
> > Slightly OT: I was reading the original question and thought "well, this
> is
> > really something esoteric that probably requires a homebrewed solution".
>  So it
> > turns out I was wrong.  Wow, I'm impressed!
> I don't think it's that esoteric.  I use followOnlyIf for the
> "inverse" situation: I have focusFollowsMouse off by default, except
> for Gimp windows where it is enabled.
> -Brent
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