[xmonad] Issue 443 in xmonad: XMonad should guard against resizing window dimensions to 0

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Tue Apr 12 18:25:36 CEST 2011

Comment #2 on issue 443 by elias.ku... at gmail.com: XMonad should guard  
against resizing window dimensions to 0

I originally only tested with floating windows (mod-right-click resize  
requires them anyway), but the "bug" manifests with tiled windows too. Not  
always but should after a few tries at making a window have zero-width.

I tested the patch using the latest xmonad from darcs. It seems that the  
issue with bug 407 is not related to passing zero dimensions to some  
windows. AIUI, the patch only fixes some overflow errors but will still  
happily permit "legitimate" zero-dimension resizing.

I tried to test the Hinted layouts too but I got into various troubles with  
xmonad and don't really have to go any further with them atm.

To summarise:
1. floating windows do seem to have this probably with zero-dimensions even  
with the patch.
2. I haven't tested the hinted layouts so I don't know if they prevent this  

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