[xmonad] Issue 441 in xmonad: XMonad.Util.Run.safeSpawn does not uninstallSignalHandlers

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Tue Apr 5 18:05:54 CEST 2011

Comment #2 on issue 441 by dylan-go... at dylex.net: XMonad.Util.Run.safeSpawn  
does not uninstallSignalHandlers

Yes, the program runs successfully using:

   io $ forkProcess $ do
    _ <- createSession
    executeFile prog True args Nothing

But fails without the uninstallSignalHandlers and createSession.  (I  
haven't tried them separately, but based on the error, the former seems  
like the culprit.)

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