[xmonad] Re: Issue 400 in xmonad: LayoutHints don't respect windows' hint changes without changing the workspace state

codesite-noreply at google.com codesite-noreply at google.com
Sun Sep 26 18:49:00 EDT 2010

Comment #5 on issue 400 by liskni.si: LayoutHints don't respect windows'  
hint changes without changing the workspace state

I noticed that some apps (e.g. urxvt) update the hints more often than  
needed (3 times for each size change, even if the hint only specifies size  
increments, with urxvt) which slows down xmonad considerably. I had to  
change my hook to only refresh with certain apps. Perhaps some kind of  
caching the last hint state and checking if it changed may be a clean  

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