[xmonad] separate log for each Xinerama screen

Adam Vogt vogt.adam at gmail.com
Mon Nov 15 19:43:58 EST 2010


I have something similar in my configuration:

Though that approach isn't likely to do the right thing with ppExtras.
So it's probably no good without changes.


* On Monday, November 15 2010, Brent Yorgey wrote:

>Hi Sasha,
>I think this would make a nice addition to DynamicLog (except the
>functions really ought to be named something better than just adding
>primes).  Do you know how to make a darcs patch and send it to this
>list, or would you like some pointers?
>On Wed, Nov 10, 2010 at 10:10:08PM +0000, Oleksandr Manzyuk wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I've been experimenting with XMonad recently and I've come up with a
>> solution to the following "problem": I have a dual-head setup and am
>> running two status bars on the top of each screen; I would like to be
>> able to display in each status bar the information that is relevant to
>> the corresponding screen.  In particular, when I am moving the focus
>> around, staying on one screen, the window title shown in the status
>> bar of that screen should be changing according to the focused window,
>> while that shown in the status bar on the other screen should not and
>> should show the title of the window that would have the focus if I
>> switched to the other screen.  Similarly for layouts.  On the other
>> hand, both status bars should show the same list of hidden non-empty
>> workspaces.  This way, when I'm doing something on a particular screen
>> I don't have to turn my head to find out which workspace I am on and
>> what is my current layout.  The solution I have is sufficiently
>> general, so that I thought it could be added to
>> XMonad.Hooks.DynamicLog module.  In that module there are functions
>> dynamicLogWithPP, dynamicLogString, and pprWindowSet that operate on
>> the current screen;  I wrote the functions dynamicLogWithPP',
>> dynamicLogString', and pprWindowSet' that are like their undashed
>> counterparts but take the screen to operate on as the first argument.
>> This way I can do
>> xmobar screen template commands = spawnPipe . intercalate " " $ options
>>    where options = [ "xmobar"
>>                    , "-x"
>>                    , show screen
>>                    , "-t"
>>                    , wrap "'" "'" template
>>                    , "-c"
>>                    , wrap "'" "'" commands
>>                    ]
>> main = do
>>   xmobar0 <- xmobar 0 "%StdinReader%}{"       "[Run StdinReader]"
>>   xmobar1 <- xmobar 1 "%StdinReader%}{%date%" "[Run StdinReader, Run
>> Date \"%a %b %_d, %H:%M\" \"date\" 10]"
>>   xmonad $ defaultConfig {
>>              ...
>>              , logHook = myLogHook [ pp { ppOutput = hPutStrLn xmobar0 }
>>                                    , pp { ppOutput = hPutStrLn xmobar1 }
>>                                    ]
>>              ...
>>              }
>> myLogHook pps = do
>>   screens <- (sortBy (compare `on` S.screen) . S.screens) `fmap` gets windowset
>>   zipWithM_ dynamicLogWithPP' screens pps
>> and be happy!  If you are interested, please see
>> https://github.com/manzyuk/dotfiles for details.  I don't know if this
>> is a valuable addition, but it works very well for me, so I thought I
>> would share.
>> Best,
>> Sasha
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